“Sporting tournaments: a gynocentric tradition”

“The sporting tournament (from french word – tourney) arose at precisely the same time as romantic chivalry and courtly love, a theme that continues today in the ubiquitous sporting tournament everywhere. With this in mind it becomes the task of today’s sports-minded men to decide just who they are playing the game for; for upper class women like in France? or for simple, natural fun like the Greeks? some other reason?….. the answer is your call.”

“Sporting tournaments: a gynocentric tradition”

“Be Worried About Boys, Especially Baby Boys”

“We often hear that boys need to be toughened up so as not to be sissies. Parent toughness toward babies is celebrated as “not spoiling the baby.” Wrong! These ideas are based on a misunderstanding of how babies develop. Instead, babies rely on tender, responsive care to grow well—with self-control, social skills and concern for others.”

“Be Worried About Boys, Especially Baby Boys”

“Ryan Gosling’s Golden Globes speech about wife Eva Mendes wasn’t cute, it was sexist”

Couples supporting each other is apparently sexism. :

“Despite the swooning on social media for his Notebook-esque outpouring, I can’t help but feel that Mendes, an award-winning actor in her own right, took one for the team and provided the emotional labour needed for Gosling to further his own career”

“Ryan Gosling’s Golden Globes speech about wife Eva Mendes wasn’t cute, it was sexist”

“Defending Lil Wayne [A Response to TYT] [MIRROR]”

“So TYT are TYT. I think for most of you who watch my channel, you are very much aware of The Young Turks and the absolute nonsense they come up with sometimes. Not all the times, but often times, they really either overgeneralise and misunderstood (in my opinion) what Lil Wayne was trying to say. And what he tried to say was that America must think that his life matters (that black lives matter) if he is allowed to become as successful as he is, and that if America didn’t think black lives mattered, then surely it wouldn’t be him with the whole fame thing. But let’s see what they have to say.”

Otterface :